Learning & ​Development ​Program

Developing Trans Ash Employees

through purposeful training and ​team building


Custom Training ​Request

After-Training ​Survey

Training ​Registration


July 16th


Purchase Orders, Change Orders

& Progress Entries



Foundations: Principles, Terms, ​symbols and more

Register Here



Operations Service Lead duties, ​responsibilities and workflow.

Register Here

Registration & Attendance

Find a Training

Based on your role’s

requirements, supervisors ​will recommend specific ​TAU courses. Internal

announcements will notify ​eligible participants to ​enroll.


Obtain supervisor approval ​to attend a TAU session and ​register using the provided ​link before the deadline. ​Reach out to the Training ​Department for registration ​li​nks and dates.

At​tend Session(s)

Arrive promptly and attend ​each scheduled session.

You will receive a training ​schedule via email ​beforehand for additional ​course details.

Re​view & Apply

After training, you'll receive ​a survey link—please use it ​to provide feedback on your ​session. Utilize your Key ​Points Companion and notes ​to enhance your work ​performance.

Learn together unite as one and succeed as a team That s what Trans Ash University is all about
Committee Member Founders of TAU

About TAU

Since its inception, Trans Ash University has been committed to ​empowering employees through purposeful skill development and ​fostering unity across our organization. As our company rapidly expanded, ​we recognized the need to invest in our most valuable asset: our people. ​Our training initiative bridges the gap in career paths and skill ​enhancement, ensuring every team member has the opportunity to learn, ​grow, and succeed.

At the heart of our program is a dedication to creating a knowledgeable ​and cohesive workforce. We believe unified, skilled teams not only ​mitigate mistakes but also promote company-wide success. By offering ​customized career paths and skill development for both field and office ​roles, we empower employees to reach their full potential.

Join us on this journey of growth and transformation, where every ​employee's development contributes to our collective success.